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LokiLaufeysen is a poet, webmaster, youtuber and artist both 3d and 2d here is her work!


I like to make life easier for people bringing information and YouTube videos together bookmarked into websites and channels and create art and things. I have a diploma of liberal arts in it the taught information management and how to book mark on the internet without it i would not be here now.

My Work

I treat all I do as work thus I love my work. 
I dabble in creating 3d art and 2d art base on 3d worlds eg second life and imvu.
make clothes and such I like scripts.
i embed web sites into web libraries on subjects and videos on subjects by channel
my new youtube channel The YouTube conservation project backs up good videos to it mine and other peoples in case something happen to the original video or channel with the video on. I like to help people.

Feel free to look through my portfolio for a sample of my work. If you have any questions, please contact me.


I approach my work with a unique perspective that tries to modernize and  conserve and make it easier to do things and find thing for every you, me and the gate post lol  also a style and technique are broad and flexible, developed over years of training and experience..

buy ring here https://www.jweel.com/en/view/5763387766079488/#.VM13ZneZMbQ

3D Live Statistics

Read my poetry ebooks on computer, android or apple device get wattpad on apple applications story or google play store for free to read